Thursday, June 14, 2007

Classroom Blogging Reflections

I have mixed emotions in relation to classroom blogging. Most of my concerns are related to the amount of time required in previewing and posting student comments. With my own reservations aside, I do think that for some students publishing their comments, writing pieces, or notes to a blog can increase student motivation. I can see myself using Blogging in my own classroom for current events. Typically in my Global Studies class I require students to report weekly about a current event based on a given region. I could extend upon this assignment by linking a Blog to a chosen article and then have students leave comments related to the given current event.


iliketech said...

This would be similar to what the media already does on most of the major media websites. For example the Democrat and Chronicle allows people to blog about many of their articles.

Mr. D. said...

I agree...a very natural, authentic approach to integrating blogging into the classroom is to put out something to blog about. The teacher then can moderate the responses and the students can monitor the discussion.

I echo your concern with time and logistics of managing many student blog sites. To get started, keep it simple!